Toyota car keys.
Replacement Toyota car key with a working key.
Replacement car key are specialist car locksmiths and as long as you have a working key the Toyota immobiliser system allows new car keys to be programmed relatively easily, by plugging into the cars diagnostic socket with a specialist computer. At Replacement car key we have the specialist computers and also stock a range of Toyota keys including standard spare keys(a key without buttons on), remote keys (a key with buttons on,usually required if the vehicle has an alarm), and Toyota smart keys (a matchbox sized key that just has to be in the car for the car to start).
A spare key is a MUST with a Toyota ... as the situation changes dramatically if you do not have a working key !
Replacement Toyota car key without a working key.
If you find yourself in the situation that you have lost the key to your Toyota and do not have any working keys a chat to your local dealership will put you in shock !!! it will be something along the lines of recover the vehicle to the dealership and the cost will be between £1300 and £3000.
In defence of Toyota it is a very big job and they not only have to replace the keys they also have to replace electronic control units too, this along with having to completely remove the dash of the vehicle to access those control units adds up to this very big price.
What Replacement Car Key can do .... is instead of replacing the expensive control units, we can remove the unit and the work in the circuit board inside to enable us to program a key, this is the equivalent of electronic brain surgery and a very specialist job, and of course we still have to remove the complete dashboard of the vehicle to access the units. As you can imagine this is not a 5 minute job, however we can save you £££'s.