Replacement Car Key Programming
We have a range of tools and computers to program car keys including dealer diagnostic tools, these tools enable us to connect to the car via its diagnostic socket and program keys to any vehicle. We also have specialist immobiliser equipment that enables us to go direct to the immobiliser unit and read or change the data contained within it. For example If for any reason there is a problem with the car and we cannot communicate via the diagnostic socket or may be the car key has bee lost but the immobiliser system needs a working key to allow another key to be programmed (like Toyota and Lexus).
Experts in Vehicle Immobilisers
Our experience in immobilisers allows us to be able to program keys or immobiliser units to vehicles that even the main dealer has failed with, this is because we can work a circuit board level, directly on the electronic micro chips. We can read the raw data stored in the chips and either alter this data for a replacement key or use the existing data to create a transponder ( the chip within the car key) ready the start the vehicle.
Other things we can do include immobiliser programming either new or secondhand units, immobiliser repair, and immobiliser bypass.